Top 10 YA Agents: 72 Deals

The Publisher’s Marketplace ranks these agents as the top YA agents for the last 12 months. As always, when you look at statistics from Publisher’s Marketplace Dealmakers, remember that these deals are self-reported; there may be other agents who sell more, but don’t participate here, or some agents who–for some odd reason–don’t report a certain sale. Also, sales are just one of the many criteria in choosing the right agent for you and your books. For full information, join Publisher’s Marketplace.

  1. Sara Crowe (Harvey Klinger) – 14 deals
  2. Lauren Hammond (ADA Management Group) – 13 deals
  3. Sarah Davies (Greenhouse Literary Agency) – 11 deals
  4. Ammi-Joan Paquette (Erin Murphy Literary Agency) – 9 deals
  5. Kevan Lyon (Marsal Lyon Literary Agency) – 9 deals
  6. Jennifer Laughran (Andrea Brown Literary Agency) – 8 deals
  7. Michael Bourret (Dystel & Goderich Literary Management) – 7 deals
  8. Laura Rennert (Andrea Brown Literary Agency) – 6 deals
  9. Stephen Barbara (Foundry Literary + Media) – 6 deals
  10. Jim McCarthy (Dystel & Goderich Literary Management) – 6 deals
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