Evalute Your Writing

This is the last day of our 750 words per day challenge! Have you written every day? What have you learned from your writing this month?

Today, write a reflection about your writing for the last month. What have you learned? What was hard? What was easy?

In light of what you have learned, where do you need to focus efforts to improve your writing?

Please share with me, post a comment! I always like to hear your good news!

One thought on “0

  1. Well I made it! Thanks for putting the idea out there and posting the daily writing prompts. They helped a lot. :)

    I decided to do the 750 words on a whim, so I really didn’t think I’d stick with it for 30 days. (Of course, once I collected a few badges, well I was hooked! Had to get an albatross!)

    The daily discipline of putting in those 750 words has been very helpful. I can feel my writing muscles grow. However, more than several times I used my 750 words as my “check mark” for a writing day. This was not good.

    So. . .that’s what I’m going to work on these next 30 days – building in the 750 words as my warm-up and NOT actual work.

    Thanks again!!

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