Spring Projects: Literacy and Quilts

Life has been full! Here are some pics to prove it!

Arkansas Literary Festival

Darcy Pattison, speaker
April 8, Literacy on the Lawn, Governor's Mansion

School Visits: Paris Elementary and Cherry Valley Elementary

Darcy Pattison school visit
Teressa, Cherry Valley Elementary Literacy Coach

Oliver K. Woodman, Darcy Pattison school visit
Oliver K. Woodman Project by Cherry Valley Elementary Students

Darcy Pattison, speaker, Scary Slopes
Paris Elementary Assembly: Reading The Scary Slopes.

After School Quilts

I wish I could show you the kids who made these quilts (privacy issues!). They had a blast. There were five boys and one girl and everyone had a great time. We talked about the history of quilting and they chose to make Amish quilts; I think they liked the black, as much as anything. We met once a week for about 8 weeks to finish these projects.

Amish Quilts made by 10 year olds.

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