Guest Bloggers Coming!

by Darcy Pattison

I think that it is totally fitting that the parents of the bride will take a trip themselves next week. My DH and I plan to float the Colorado River, the last 100 miles of the Grand Canyon. We had the trip planned long before the announcement of our daughter’s engagement and decided to stick with our plans. Next week, while we?re off on our adventure, the Revision Notes will feature guest bloggers: Discussing revisions of their novels are the following: Alan Gratz, author of Image from Amazon
Samurai Shortstop (Dial, 2006). “You always want to get the phone call from a publisher, not the letter.”

Kristin Nitz, author ofImage from Amazon
Saving the Griffin (Peachtree, 2007). “After 90 minutes of studying the editor’s notes in the margins, I was too depressed to continue.”

Kristin Tubb, author of Autumn Winifred Oliver Does Things Different (Fall, 2008, Delacorte Press). “I love the revision process!”

Also guest-posting will be Dori Butler, author of Image from AmazonDo You Know The Monkey Man? and Image from Amazon
Trading Places With Tank Talbott by Dori Hillestad Butler, talking about our parallel projects of reading our novels aloud to an audience of kids. I talked some about my experiences here. Dori will talk about reading her work-in-progress novel to a class. On Friday, there will be the usual Voice Friday postings.

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