Do you get that empty feeling?

Do you get that empty feeling? I’m not talking about feeling hungry, but feeling empty, drained of all story.

How Do You Fill Up Your Story Tank?

I’ve just sent off a story in the mail today and I feel empty, not quite able to turn to another story that needs attention.

My friend always tells me to “take a few days off and do nothing.” I can’t seem to follow her advice! Or maybe, it’s that her advice works for her and not for me. Here are some ways that work for me — what works for you?

  • Gulp down a story. Sometimes, after I’ve been putting words out for a long time, I need to take words in. I read, inhaling stories as fast as I can.
  • Look around. Sometimes, after a day of words, I need to do something visual. Or tactile. I play with color and make a quilt. Or, I visit the art gallery. Or, I sit and watch the wind blow the oak leaves around the yard. I look. No words, just looking.
  • Be With Friends or Family. Not that I’m much company, because at these times, I just sit back and listen and watch and soak in what’s going on. But surrounding myself with friends and family seems to help.

Somehow these things refresh me and bring me back to the next story. What about you? How do you fill your story tank?

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