All I Want For Christmas. . .

All I want for Christmas is. . .
Well, let me talk about YOU first. I would love to feature you on my blog sometime in the next year. Here’s my wishlist of topics (but feel free to pitch me something else!). Got an idea? Email me at darcy at darcypattison dot com.

  • I am always a sucker for a revision story. If you have a book coming out and can give me a story about revising the content–you’re on! (I think that covers everyone, doesn’t it?)
  • Case studies of unusual marketing.
  • Someone with a killer email list and how you use it to promote your work.
  • Insight into the publishing industry, trends, predictions, etc.
  • Writing tips. How to ________________.(You fill in the blank: plot, characterize, pace, write a graphic novel, write a mystery, etc.) Of course, you’ll illustrate it with your work and/or your friend’s work so you get a bit of publicity and my readers get a great case study.
  • Anything about the writing life: how to survive the 1000th rejection, great new tools, how to use Scrivener, how a friend helped you hit the bestseller list, how to write through a time of grief, 10 best ways to celebrate a sale, etc.

And all I want for Christmas is . . .a couple Amazon reviews.
Really, reviews of ANY of my books would be a thrill.

But, if you’ve attended my retreat or read my book, Novel Metamorphosis: Uncommon Ways to Revise, there’s a new version out. The main difference is an addition of a chapter on writing in scenes. If you bought the original version, I am happy to send you the Scenes Chapter–just email me at darcy at darcypattison dot come. I hope you’ll consider writing an Amazon review for the new version, but it’s free either way.

One last thing. If there are topics you’d like to see covered here at Fiction Notes, email me, too! I want to be helpful and knowing what you’re interested me will make me even more helpful. That’s what I really want for Christmas, an opportunity to spend another year here at Fiction Notes being helpful to other writers. Thanks for hanging out with me this year! May 2013 be a banner year for all of us.

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