5 Magic Words Every Writer Should Use

If you are a writer, you have five magic words: I am writing a book.

These simple words (or variations of them) can be used to do a variety of tricks:

Research. If you need research for your novel or your nonfiction words, you need help from experts. The Magic Words often open doors and encourages people to share resources, facts and time with you. You might think that people won’t want to share because THEY want to write about it. But most of the time, experts are experts in their field, but not in writing. Mention their names and they are happy to help.

Teaching. Unfortunately, the majority of writers don’t make a living with their writing. Instead, they need to supplement and teaching is a traditional way to do that. I do not have an English or Writing degree; my B.A. is in Speech Pathology and my M.A. is in Audiology (testing hearing). But I taught Freshman Composition for seven years. How did I get that job? Four magic words: I wrote this book.

Speaking or Platform. Another way to bring in extra income is by speaking. A book, even a fiction title, gives you a “platform,” some reason to be known, something to talk about. Speaking engagements are always easier when you can say, “I wrote this book.”

In-Laws. On a personal note, it helps to tell family and friends, “I am writing a book.” Then, when you appear spacey or forget a birthday, well, it’s not your fault, it’s the book’s fault.

Editors/Agents. The key words here are “I have written a book.” Editors and agents usually want a full mss to evaluate.

Use these magic words today and report back–what magic did they work?

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