5 Ramblings for 2017

Today is a series of rambles, comments on a variety of things.

Why do we keep on writing?

I ask myself this at least monthly, if not weekly and daily. Why? And there are many answers.
Because there’s a story to finish.
Because there are readers to please.
Because I can’t NOT write. Putting words into print seems to be a life-long habit and in spite of uncertainties of publishing, readership and more, I just write. It’s what I do. I’m a writer.

For the slow times of writing.

I’m coming into a slow writing time because of travel. In some ways, it’ll be a fast living time, but a slow writing time. I’m reminded of the classic children’s book, Frederick, by Leo Lionni. It’s about a mouse who doesn’t help gather seeds and other foods for the winter. And when the cold, dark days of winter come, he hasn’t added anything to the store of food. But he can recite poetry that reminds everyone that the warm days of summer will come again. While others are storing up food, Frederick was storing up life. When it was time, that store of life changed into the right words. That’s what I’ll be doing during this slow time: storing up images, feelings, impressions, and life. So that it will spill over into the writing that comes later.

On self-publishing.

Some think that writers who self-publish are control freaks or idiots (unless they are elderly, because, well, you can forgive an elderly person for being an idiot). Instead, I’m feeding my creative life.

The most popular post on this blog.

According to Pinterest, this post has been repinned over 65,000 times! 39 Villain Motivations. Repinned over 39,000 times is this one: 29 Plot Templates. A post I wish was posted more (only 7000 repins, poor thing): How to Mock Up a Children’s Picture Book. (If you’re a pinner, please go pin it!)

I am most often quoted for saying:

Pattison Quote: "The function of the first draft is . . ." | DarcyPattison.com
Get more quotes (and much more) in this video course, “30 Days to a Stronger Novel.”(Special price: $75 $50. Use this code: NOVEL50)

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