5 Tips for Great Series Titles

I am working on a new early chapter series (more details after the contract is signed!) and the first step is to nail down a series title.

What Makes a Good Series Overall Title?

Here’s some of the criteria we are thinking about as we work on a series title.

  1. Search Engines. The title must be easy for search engines to find. No funny spellings. Very obvious. Must be findable on Amazon and Google.
  2. Character Name v. Topical Titles. Many early reader series take the character’s name as a title for the series. Witness: Clementine, Judy Moody, Junie B. Jones or The Buddy Files. However, some take a more topical title, such as the Magic School Bus series, the classic Box Car Kids, or the Magic Tree House. We’re discussing which is more appropriate for this series.
  3. General enough, yet specific enough. The series title must be general enough to allow a variety of individual titles; yet it must be specific enough to individually identify this series from all others. Some suggested titles have been too specific, too restrictive. They would lock the series into certain areas and not allow for flexibility if the series takes off. Others are too general and don’t give enough of a flavor of what is happening in the series.
  4. Short, snappy. In all the above, we are keeping in mind that the series title must be memorable. Short is better, and something that trips off the tongue lightly.
  5. Fun. Of course, writing for the early elementary ages, it must be a fun title.

The individual titles will come later. For now, it is vitally important to nail this one.

4 thoughts on “5

  1. Interesting. I would wonder if it is about ghosts.
    Manifestation is a 5-syllable word, so it depends on the age of your audience. Teens? Sure.
    Early reader–not so much.

    Files makes me think it is a series of mysteries.

    Does that help?


  2. That’s about right. It’s an Urban Fantasy involving spirits, and I’m aiming for the 12-18 age range. While it isn’t a mystery, there are plenty of secrets being kept.

    Were you the one who followed the link to my blog? Thanks.

  3. Thank you.
    Timely topic here!

    Our first in the series is:
    May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy

    The character is May the K9 Spy.

    So – we’re working on 2nd one now – and trying to decide.

    We have a wonderful logo for May the K9 Spy, which has been utilized on the spine and internally on book 1.

    Would appreciate any input, and thank you for your PAWSOME newsletter. We enjoy reading through it and often pass it along to others.

    Hope you have a GRRR8 weekend!

    May and KC

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