Random Social

Random Acts of Publicity: Social Media

We’ve all heard about the social media and many are experimenting with doing book publicity via these channels. What is really possible?

RandomACTS Lots! At least for authors. There are Facebook Fan pages or Event pages and the equivalent on MySpace or other spaces; there are Twitter updates and YouTube videos. In fact, an author can get overwhelmed doing all of this. But it does no good at all, if someone isn’t watching and participating.

Join Anything You’re Invited to Join – and Then Participate

Getting engaged in a friend’s promotional efforts means to do something, to join an event or fan page. Attend a virtual book signing. (What if YOU gave a party and no one showed up?) Helping with these promotional efforts won’t be as fast or as easy as those listed earlier this week, but they might make a huge difference.

View a Book Trailer, Podcast

Watch a book trailer. Use the word-of-mouth or linking techniques from earlier this week to tell others about the trailer. As a related post, Lisa Gottfried of DigitalWeavers discusses 6 Criteria for a Great Book Trailer. And a video trailer for my Novel Revision Retreat is unveiled here today.

Another new trailer out is Arthur Slade’s The Hunchback Assignments, website and book trailer for his new steam-punk fantasy.

Volunteer Your Expertise

This is another of those extra-mile assignments: if you know how to edit video, volunteer to make a book trailer or podcast for a friend. Or just walk him/her through setting up a fan page for your book. Help him/her brainstorm jokes when s/he makes a special game designed for Facebook. Really – ASK what would be helpful! (WOW, what an awesome thing that would be!)

There are many, many social media sites. This isn’t a how-to on those sites, but an encouragment to celebrate what your friend does on those sites!

Your Random Act of Publicity Daily Task: Participate

Your task: Join. View. Comment. Participate. Just once.

Please post what you did today.
What are some of your favorite social media sites for books?
Any final comments on supporting your friend’s book?

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